Wednesday, March 09, 2005

The Campaign Begins

So, the candidate statements are up and the race for APDA president has begun. I've really been impressed with the support I've gotten so far. So many people have come up to me and told me that they are glad that I am running and will enthusiastically vote for me when they get the chance. This is a huge thrill for me, and it further confirms my reasons for running....

Looking at Robbie Pratt's candidate statement, one of the promises he makes is to finally publish the Clash. I think the reason we haven't had a Clash in a while isn't because people haven't known about it; it's because people haven't been excited to read it or write for it. When I'm president I'll make an effort to reform the Clash, perhaps by making it more entertainment-based with some satire thrown into the mix. We have to do something to make it exciting, not just do the same old begging to write for the Clash.

Also, I'd like to point out that while others may promise that they will put out a newsletter for APDA, Nick Mindicino and myself actually did it by putting out NORPDA News. We had one six page issue for our tournament with another one coming out for elections at Yale. It just goes to show you that if is something entertaining and fun to write, you can crank as many issues out as you want. The same thing needs to be done to the Clash.